Mr. Naveen Kumar K | Artificial Intelligence | Best Researcher Award
Mr.Naveen Kumar K,Indian Institute of Technoloy Hyderabad (IIT Hyderabad),India
Mr. Naveen Kumar K is affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT Hyderabad), located in India. As of the latest update, Mr. Naveen Kumar K’s specific role or title was not provided. Generally, at institutions like IIT Hyderabad, individuals often hold positions related to teaching, research, administration, or technical support. For a more detailed bio, including academic background, research interests, or notable achievements,
Professional Profile:
🎓 Education:
PhD (Computer Science & Engineering),Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad,Duration: Jan 2020 – Present,Research Area: Security and Privacy for Machine Learning,CGPA: 9.38 out of 10,Supervisor: Prof. C Krishna Moha,MTech (Computer Science & Engineering),Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad,Duration: Jan 2019 – Dec 2019,Thesis Title: Defining Traffic States Using Spatio Temporal Traffic Graphs on Aerial Videos,CGPA: 8.65 out of 10,Supervisor: Prof. C Krishna Moha,BTech (Computer Science & Engineering), Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara,Duration: July 2014 – May 2018,CGPA: 8.97 out of 10
💼 Professional Experience:
SahajAI (Bangalore): Optimized defence against poisoning attacks in federated learning for medical image classification (Oct 2023 – Mar 2024),Visiting Research Scholar – University of Agder, Norway: Optimized model poisoning attack in federated learning (Jan 2023 – July 2023),Visiting Research Scholar – Purdue University, USA: Mitigate data poisoning attacks in federated learning using a precision-guided approach (May 2022 – Sep 2022),TCS Research & Innovation Labs, Hyderabad: Non-convex optimization approach to mitigate data poisoning attacks in federated learning (Jan 2022 – Dec 2022),Visiting Research Scholar – Hiroshima University, Japan: Zero-shot 2D object detection in Autonomous Vehicles (Aug 2021 – Nov 2021)
🔧 Technical Skills:
- Machine learning, deep learning (supervised and unsupervised), computer vision
- Programming & Libraries: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV
🏆Academic Achievements & Awards:
- PhD Research Excellence Award 2024 (IIT Hyderabad)
- Shortlisted for Google Research Week (2022, 2023)
- Finalist in Nvidia AI Hackathon finals 2019
- Selected for IITH-RU Project-Based Learning Program
- Medicine from the sky: AI-based real-time lightweight system for medical drone delivery
- iV4V (Intelligent Voice for Vision): Audio assistance for visual impairment using AI
- M2Smart: Smart Cities project based on sensing, network, and big data analysis
🔬 Research Focus:
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Federated Learning
- Privacy and Security
- Autonomous Vehicle Technology