Dr. Hatice Özsoy | Surgical Nursing | Best Researcher Award
Dr. Hatice Özsoy is an Assistant Professor at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, specializing in surgical nursing with a focus on perioperative care, patient comfort, and non-pharmacological interventions. She holds a PhD in Surgical Nursing from Ege University and has over a decade of experience in nursing education and research. Her work on postoperative thirst, hypothermia, and active warming has been widely recognized in international journals. She has authored multiple books, collaborated on various research projects, and is an active member of key nursing associations.
Education 🎓
Dr. Özsoy earned her PhD in Surgical Nursing from Ege University, where she focused on perioperative patient care and non-pharmacological interventions. She holds a master’s and bachelor’s degree in nursing, with specialized training in surgical care methodologies. Her academic journey includes research on perioperative thirst management, body temperature regulation, and patient comfort strategies. She has actively contributed to validating thirst-related scales and exploring innovative perioperative techniques to improve patient outcomes.
Experience 👨🏫
With extensive experience in academia and clinical nursing, Dr. Özsoy has worked as a lecturer, researcher, and consultant in perioperative care. She has conducted numerous research studies on surgical patient comfort, hypothermia prevention, and thirst management. She has supervised students, contributed to nursing curriculum development, and collaborated with healthcare institutions to improve perioperative care standards. Her expertise extends to non-pharmacological interventions in surgical settings, and she actively participates in international research projects and conferences.
Research Interests 🔬
Dr. Özsoy has been recognized for her contributions to surgical nursing, receiving awards for excellence in research, innovation, and academic leadership. She has been honored by various international organizations for her studies on postoperative thirst, patient comfort, and perioperative care. Her bibliometric study on thirst management has gained significant attention, and she has received accolades for her contributions to nursing education and clinical research.
Publications 📚
- Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Vasküler Erişim Yolları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı.
Ş Çetin, Z Çiğdem, H ÖzsoyTurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences 10 (2)
- Core body temperature changes during surgery and nursing management
R Çam, H Yönem, H Özsoyinterventions 5, 14
- Cerrahi hastalarının bakım algısı ve mahremiyet konusundaki deneyimleri
H Özsoy, A Çankaya, MY Van Gıersbergen, G OruçYOBÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 4 (1), 22-31
H Özsoy, S Şentürkİnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 9 (3), 896-913
- Covid-19 döneminde cerrahi hemşirelerinin anksiyete, psikolojik dayanıklılık ve algılanan sosyal destek düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi
T Yeşilyaprak, H Özsoy, FD KorkmazHemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi 6 (1), 18-25
- Hospital-Acquired Infections in Internal-Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Retrospective Study
HA Pour, B Tipirdamaz, D Kunter, H Yönem, H ÖzsoyClinical Medicine Research 5 (2-1), 6-10
- Non-pharmacological methods in the management of postoperative sore throat in patients undergoing endotracheal intubation: A systematic review
H Özsoy, T YeşilyaprakBezmialem Science
- Cerrahi Dönem Susuzluğa Bağlı Rahatsızlık Ölçeği (CDSBRÖ) Türkçe Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği
H Özsoy, Z Güreş, E Dolgun, M Yavuz van GiersbergenFırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi 37 (3), 237- 242