Dr.Ana Sevilla-Pavón | Computer-assisted Language Learning | Best Scholar Award
Universitat de València,Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in English Philology and Bachelor’s Degree in French (2000 Plan). June 2007 and June 2012, respectively. Universitat de València. Graduated with Honours. Outstanding Graduate of the Year Award from the Universitat de València, Spain. Academic Excellence Award from Valencia’a Reginal Government (Generalitat Valenciana).
International PhD in Applied Linguistics. Advanced Studies Diploma. May 2013 and October 2011. “Languages and Technology” PhD Programme, Quality Award from the Ministry of Education (RD 778/1998, Ref. MCD2007-00165). Graduated with Honours. Proposed for the Outstanding PhD Graduate of the Year Award. Deparment of Applied Linguistics, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
12/09/2019 to present: Associate Professor, Dept. of English and German Philology, Universitat de València (ref. tenure 10/2019, n. 6194, Universitat de València, published on 23/05/2019, BOE n. 238 from 03/10/2019, tenured confirmed on: 18/09/2019
Master’s courses, UV: “Techniques and methodologies in research, Context: Advanced research techniques in linguistics” (44409), Master’s Degree in Research in Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (2022-2023 to present, 1 ECTS); “English language teaching and learning” (40515), Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, Teacher Training Faculty (2019-2020 to present, 4 ECTS); “How to write and present an academic paper” (44237, 2022-2023 to present, 1.2 ECTS);) and “Research methods and resources in language and linguistics” (44230), Master’s Degree in English Advanced Studies, Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (2019-2020 to 2021-2022, 1.2 ECTS).
Undergraduate courses, UV: “History and Culture of English-speaking Countries” (35319), English Studies Degree, Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (2023-2024 to present, 6 ECTS); “Business English Communication III (C1 level)” (35876), Groups A, B and C, International Business Degree, Faculty of Economics (2019-2020 to 2022-2023, 6 ECTS per group).
PhD Supervision, Languages, Literatures and Cultures Programme, UV, 2021 to present: Amir Reza Rahimi: “Beyond Language and Culture Skills in Virtual Exchange : Toward the Computational Thinking Skills (CTCALL), and Interactive, Constructive, Active, and Passive (ICAPCALL) frameworks” co-supervisor: Ana Gimeno-Sanz); Cláudio França: “Production and dissemination of knowledge in languages other than English: a bibliometric analysis” (co-supervisor: Kyria Finardi); Marta Fortes: “Three-dimensional and telecollaborative virtual reality in the teaching of business Spanish” (co-supervisor: Marta Giralt); Ana Rachel Macêdo Mendes: “The Role of Mobility in (De)Constructing Internationalization: Dialogues and Perspectives” (co-supervisor: Kyria Finardi).
Master’s Final Theses and Practicum supervision (40561), Master’s in Secondary Education English Language Teaching, Teacher Training Faculty, UV, 2022-2023: Alexia Tudela Canet: “Exploring the efficacy of dubbing, subtitling, and audiodescription as an educational resource in English language acquisition”; Laura Moncho Moncholí: “Learning the passive voice in a baccalaureate English class through an educational breakout”; Lucía Álvarez Cuesta: “Fanfiction writing as an innovative English as a Foreign Language teaching and learning technique in Compulsory Secondary Education”; María Galindo Martínez: “Vocabulary Acquisition through Virtual Reality and Gamification” and Gloria Mª Hernández Arche: “a Photovoice initiative for contextual learning around Sustainable Development Goals in the secondary education subject of English as a Foreign Language”; 2021-2022: Adrià Jaén Cuenca: “Milers de Valències: decolonizing the teaching of English as a Foreign Language through the ethnolinguistic landscape of Valencia”; Carmina Tortosa Cerdá: “Virtual Reality in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom: Improving Students’ Speaking Fluency and Reducing their Anxiety”; Cristina Vargas Castro: “Multilingualism, Sustainable Development Goals and innovative project-based learning in the English class: fostering linguistic skills and social awareness in secondary education”; Patricia Pardo Pulido: “Staging theatre plays and analyzing literature to improve CSE students’ oral and reading skills in the EFL classroom”; 2020-2021: Carolina Elena Vicent Garcia: “Exploring the Sustainable Development Goals in the English classroom: self-perceptions of secondary education students when speaking English as a Foreign Language”; Silvia Rodilla Rivas: “Towards a Plurilingual Approach in the English Language Classroom: Perceptions and Outcomes”; Ainhoa Rovira Garcia: “The PAEC Method on 4th of ESO: Blending Elements of the Communicative Approach and Task-Based Learning”; Alejandra Marín Pastor: “Raising SDG Awareness in the EFL Classroom: a Proposal for Students in the Official School of Languages”; Paula Puig Rubio: “Merging ICT and Corpus Linguistics: Corpus-Aided Discovery Learning as an Effective Approach to Teaching Phrasal Verbs”; 2019-2020: Cintia Álvarez Sojo: “Educational innovation project in the EFL classroom for the development of intercultural awareness: across the border”; Beata Katarzyna Groba: “Volunteering as a Tool to Improve Writing Skills”;, Irene Vallet Ruiz: “Innovating with Literary Texts and SDGs in the ESL Classroom through Dramatization”; Helena Vivancos Peñas: “Comic Strips as a Teaching Tool in the EFL Classroom: Increasing Motivation and Fostering Reading and Writing Skills”; Mar Mogort Martínez: “Fostering Motivation in the English Classroom Using Clipflair”. Master’s Final Theses and Practicum supervision (44236), Master’s in Advanced English Studies, UV, 2022-2023: Amina Benyettou: “A Comparative Analysis of Engagement Markers in Corporate Identity: Mission Statements in British, Spanish, and Algerian Business Websites”; 2020-2021: Irene Abarca López: “A Comparative Study of Verbal and Non-Verbal Expressions of Pain in Patients with Chronic and Non-Chronic Diseases in Doctor-Patient Conversations”.
Book Chapters
Nicolaou, A.; Sevilla-Pavón, A. (2023). Exploring the impact of Virtual Exchange in Virtual English as a Lingua Franca (VELF): Views on self-efficacy and motivation. En: I. Pineda & R. Bosso (Eds.), VELF: Virtual English as a lingua franca (pp. 1 to 22). Routledge (Taylor & Francis). 270 páginas. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003342922, eBook ISBN: 9781003342922.
Sevilla-Pavón, A.; Finardi, K. R. (2022). El aprendizaje de lenguas en la Universitat de València durante y tras el confinamiento: la perspectiva del alumnado. En: Adrián J. Acosta Jiménez; Corral Esteban, A. & García Hernández, Y. (Eds.): Enseñar lenguas extranjeras después de la COVID-19. Análisis y propuestas metodológicas (pp. 143-154). Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-81522-9. https://hdl.handle.net/10550/92368
Nicolaou, A.; Sevilla-Pavón, A. (2022). Engagement in the expression of learners’ identity within virtual exchange asynchronous discussions. En: L. Klimanova (Ed.), Identity, Multilingualism and CALL: Responding to New Global Realities (pp. 244-270). Equinox. ISBN-13 (Paperback): 9781800500792. ISBN (eBook): 9781800500808. ISBN: 9781800500792. DOI: 10.1558/equinox.43416. CALICO Book Series: Advances in CALL Research and Practice.
Nicolaou, A.; Sevilla-Pavón, A. (2022). Developing intercultural communicative competence in ESP learning through telecollaboration: An ecological perspective. En: S. M. Hilliker (Ed.), Virtual Exchange as a way to support SLA: Studies on language learning through online interaction (pp. 117-144). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, ISBN:
Enrique Alcaraz Research Award from the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE), awarded to the book Multilingual Writing and Pedagogical Cooperation in Virtual Learning Environments (Eds: Birthe Mousten, Sonia Vandepitte, Elisabet Arnó and Bruce Maylath, published by the IGI Global publishing house: chapter 8: “Examining L2 Learners’ Use of Engagement Strategies in Telecollaborative Written Interactions” (pp. 200-220), by: Ana Oskoz, Ana Gimeno-Sanz and Ana Sevilla-Pavón, June 20th, 2019.
Jaclyn Ng Shi Ing Best Research Article Award from the CALL Your Data – XIXth International CALL Research Conference: “Expanding a telecollaborative project through social entrepreneurship”, by Ana Sevilla-Pavón and Anna Nicolaou. KU Leuven’s campus, Bruges (Belgium), July 4th-6th, 2018.
Best Research Article Award from the International Workshop on Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: “Modalities of Assessment in Online Language Learning Materials” (Ana Sevilla-Pavón; Antonio Martínez Sáez; José Macario De Siqueira Rocha). Spanish National Distance University (UNED), Madrid, 2010.
Recent Research stays and Grants
20/06/2021 to 10/09/2021, Grant awarded by Generalitat Valenciana (Ref.: BEST/2021/122). Supervisor: Dr. Rick Kern, University of California at Berkeley (Berkeley, California, United States).
Collaboration with the B-Coorporation Organic Boosting (April 2018 to present): Communication advisory tasks: training and advice on the design, development and execution of communication tools aligned with your business objectives, your capabilities and your strengths, among others. which include its website and videos, News Bulletin, blog, translation, post-editing, voice-over and audiovisual production tasks in relation to the dissemination of services and products, in various languages (Spanish, Valencian, English, French, Italian and Portuguese).
Board member of the following Final Degree’s Dissertations: UCAM, 2013-2014: Cristóbal Fernández Marín, María del Carmen Ferre Castelló, Yessica María Aznar Vilar; Carlos Barquero González; Ginés Carlos Hemández Morales; Juan Tudela Carrilo; Almudena Barba Pellicer; Natalia Ayala Manzanera; Marina Garda Martín; Belén del Valle Pedrero; Marina Díez Frutos; Lidia Donate Monreal; Cristina Durá Cámara; Purificación Egio Ros; Noelia Espín Ortega. President of the board of the following Master’s Theses: UV, 2018-2019: Ionut Georgian . Mercedes Juncos. Ferran Oltra. Violeta Sanchis. Natalia Sánchez. Marta Rico. Beatriz Collado. María José Escrich. Fernando Castellano. Lorena Simarro. Adrià Lapuente. María Seguí. Amalia Castillo. Board member of the following Master’s Theses: UV, 2018-2019: Eyal Handelsman Katz; Melís Urer Vega; Begoña Cercós Pérez; Marta Rocher López; Ana Belén Conde Mena; Lara Domingo Aliaga; Lara Martínez; Marta Arenas; Celia Giner; Daniel Giménez; Marcos Gómez; Gemma Alfonso; Irina Dragomirova; Fina Mañó; Anna Tassa; Ana Crespo; Inés Tatay; Carla Ramírez; Antonio Romance; África Iglesias; Juan Carlos Sempere; Elena Marzo; Irene Moreno; Aina LLopis; Carmen Serrano; Belén Andrioti; Avelina Blay; Laura Vidal; and Marta Torres.
A Sevilla‐PavónBritish Journal of Educational Technology 50 (2), 779-805
- “Learning from real life and not books”: A gamified approach to Business English task design in transatlantic telecollaboration
A Sevilla-Pavón, J Haba-OscaIbérica, Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos …
- Autonomy and ICT in environmental education
AC de Sousa, A Sevilla-Pavón, R Seiz-OrtizProcedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 1343-1347
- Examining collective authorship in collaborative writing tasks through digital storytelling.
A Sevilla-PavónEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning 18 (1), n1
- ” You realize that the world can be so different and similar at the same time”: Telecollaboration and the development of the intercultural competence in higher education
A Sevilla Pavon, J Haba OscaDIDACTICA-LENGUA Y LITERATURA 28, 263-284
- The use of digital storytelling for ESP in a technical English course for aerospace engineers.
A Sevilla-Pavón, B Serra-Cámara, A Gimeno-SanzThe Eurocall Review 20 (2), 68-79
- Pandemic language teaching: insights from Brazilian and international teachers on the pivot to emergency remote instruction
SP Ana, FK RebecaJournal of Language and Education 7 (4 (28)), 127-138
- Affordances of telecollaboration tools for English for Specific Purposes online learning
A Sevilla-PavónWorld Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues 8 (3), 218-223
- Negotiation of meaning via virtual exchange in immersive virtual reality environments
HI Chen, A Sevilla-PavónUniversity of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center
- Online intercultural exchanges through digital storytelling
A Sevilla-Pavón, A NicolaouInternational Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching …
- Exploring telecollaboration through the lens of university students: a Spanish-Cypriot telecollaborative exchange
A Nicolaou, A Sevilla-PavónNew directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers …
- Self-assessment and tutor assessment in online language learning materials: InGenio FCE Online Course and Tester
A Sevilla-Pavón, A Martínez-Sáez, JM de SiqueiraSecond language teaching and learning with technology: views of emergent …
- Artefact co-construction in virtual exchange:‘Youth Entrepreneurship for Society’
A Sevilla-Pavón, A NicolaouComputer Assisted Language Learning 35 (7), 1642-1667
- El relato digital como propuesta pedagógica en la formación continua de profesores
TL Maddalena, AS PavónRevista Iberoamericana de educación 65, 149-160
- Computer Assisted Language Learning and the Internationalisation of the Portuguese Language in Higher Education Contexts.
A Sevilla-PavónDigital Education Review 28, 37-44