Carmela Conte | Neurodegenerative diseases | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Carmela Conte | Neurodegenerative diseases | Best Researcher Award




Carmela Conte obtained her Master’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Perugia on November 3, 1994. She then pursued a Ph.D. in Medical Embryology through a joint program between the Universities of Perugia and Ferrara, completing it between December 30, 1996, and January 19, 2000. Following this, she specialized in Chemistry and Food Technology at the University of Perugia, earning her specialization between November 1, 2000, and November 1, 2002. Most recently, on September 29, 2023, she received National Habilitation as an Associate Professor in Biochemistry. She currently serves as an Aggregate Professor in her field.

Work experience

Since September 7, 2007, Carmela Conte has been serving as an Aggregate Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Perugia, where she teaches courses in General and Systematic Biochemistry, Medical Applied Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she participated in a Teaching and Training Mobility Program at VUMC Medical University of Amsterdam from June 24 to July 5, 2019, where she worked on a research project investigating the role of Toll-like receptors in Parkinson’s disease. She has been a member of the European Society for Neurochemistry since 2007 and, since March 17, 2022, has also been affiliated with the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

Research Activity

Carmela Conte’s research focuses on neurodegenerative diseases, with particular emphasis on animal models, signal transduction, molecular biology, and cell biology. Her specific research topics include the role of Toll-like receptors in Parkinson’s disease, neuroinflammation, synucleinopathies, oxidative stress, and Parkinson’s disease. Since September 7, 2007, she has been actively involved in editorial work, serving as a Reviewer Editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neurodegeneration section) and as an ad hoc reviewer for several journals, including Amino Acids, The Cerebellum, Free Radical Research, Biomolecules, PLOS One, Experimental Gerontology, Molecules, Cells, Neurochemical Research, Neuroscience, Pharmacological Reports, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Viruses, and the Journal of Biotechnology. Additionally, she has been a Guest Editor for Molecules and Cells, overseeing special issues and topic collections on neurodegenerative diseases. She has presented her research at numerous scientific meetings and conferences, including the 2009 Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry in Leipzig, the 2019 European Biotechnology Congress in Valencia, the 2021 European Biotechnology Congress in Sofia, the 2022 National Meeting of the Sphingolipid Club, and the 2023 Meeting of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, where she discussed findings related to Toll-like receptor 4, alpha-synuclein accumulation, and sphingomyelinase activity in Parkinson’s disease models.


said Pournaghash-tehrani | Neuroscience | Best Faculty Award

Dr. said Pournaghash-tehrani | Neuroscience | Best Faculty Award



  • Googlescholar
  • Researchgate


Said Pournaghash-Tehrani earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology in 1993 from The American University in Washington, D.C., where he also completed his Master of Arts in Psychology in 1990. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Distributive Science from the same institution, which he obtained in 1986. Fluent in English and German, he also has familiarity with French. He can be reached via email at or by telephone at 011-98-09122074388.

Work experience
  • Said Pournaghash-Tehrani has extensive academic and research experience in psychology. He served as a Research Associate in 2001 at the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. In 2002, he took a sabbatical as a researcher at the Department of Psychology, Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, focusing on cross-cultural studies related to Iranian attitudes towards the West. Since 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Tehran University, having previously held the same position at Azzahra University in Tehran from 1996 to 2001. Additionally, he was a member of the Scientific Council on Energy and Economic Studies at the Institute for International and Political Studies (IPIS) from 1998 to 2000, where he also worked as a political researcher. His early academic career included serving as a Teaching and Research Assistant at The American University’s Department of Psychology from 1987 to 1990, where he contributed to courses such as Introduction to Psychology, Neuroscience Seminar, Psychopharmacology, Neuropsychology, Biological Basis of Behavior, and Learning and Behavior.


Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology, (2007); Samt Publications
-Drugs and Behavior, (2004); Samt Publications.
-Physiological Psychology, Tehran University Publication.
-Intimacy; Alzahra University Publication.
-Theories of Addiction, Alzahra University Publication.

Conference Presentations

Said Pournaghash-Tehrani has contributed extensively to neuroscience and psychology research, presenting his findings at prestigious conferences such as the Society for Neuroscience and the Eastern Psychological Association. His work has focused on drug discrimination learning, conditioned taste aversion, and the effects of opioids and their antagonists. In 1987, he co-authored studies assessing the discriminative stimulus properties of naloxone and the failure of cholecystokinin to counteract morphine sulfate’s effects. His later research explored the antagonism of morphine stimuli, the role of buprenorphine in opiate-naive and dependent animals, and the impact of RO15-4513 on ethanol-induced taste aversion. He has collaborated with notable researchers, including A.L. Riley, contributing to investigations on diazepam exposure and behavioral toxicology. His presentations in New Orleans, Washington, D.C., Boston, and other major research venues highlight his significant role in advancing psychopharmacology and behavioral neuroscience.


Marcelo Luis Berthier | Neuroscience| Best Researcher Award

Prof. Marcelo Luis Berthier | Neuroscience| Best Researcher Award


Unversidad de Málaga, Spain



Marcelo Luis Berthier obtained his degree in Medicine (1972-1976) and completed residency training in Neurosurgery (1977-1980), later specializing in Neurology (1980). He served as a staff neurologist at the Institute of Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1980-1989), before becoming a research fellow in the Department of Neurology at Clinic Hospital of Barcelona, Spain (1989-1990). From 1991 to 2000, he was a staff neurologist and physician in charge of the Behavioural Neurology Unit at the Clinic University Hospital of Malaga. He earned a PhD in Neuroscience (cum laude) from the University of Malaga and coordinated the Group of Behavioural Neurology and Dementia of the Spanish Neurological Society (2004-2006). In 2004, he founded and directed the Unit of Cognitive Neurology and Aphasia at the Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Sanitarias, University of Malaga, leading it until 2023. Additionally, he served as the director of the Consolidated Research Group on Cognitive Neuroscience: Aphasia and Related Disorders (UNCA, C-12) at the Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga (IBIMA – Plataforma BIONAND).

Work experience

Dr. Marcelo L. Berthier Torres has led and contributed to several groundbreaking research projects in cognitive neurology and aphasia. As a co-investigator, he participated in the Telerehabilitation in Aphasia project (2021-2023), which evaluated the effectiveness of telerehabilitation compared to face-to-face therapy and identified predictive biomarkers of response, funded by the Junta de Andalucía. He also served as the principal investigator for a study on the efficacy of combined treatment with donepezil, intensive rehabilitation, and transcranial direct current stimulation in chronic post-stroke aphasia (2016-2019), funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Additionally, he has contributed to the Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento “Frontera”, an initiative under the FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 program, which investigates brain biomarkers for individualized treatment approaches in chronic post-stroke aphasia

Areas of Research

Dr. Marcelo L. Berthier Torres has made significant contributions to the treatment of post-stroke aphasia and speech-language disorders. He conducted the first open-label and randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials investigating the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs (donepezil and memantine) alone and in combination with standard aphasia therapy or intensive language-action therapy (ILAT) in chronic post-stroke aphasia. His pioneering studies stimulated international research on aphasia pharmacotherapy, leading to clinical translation. Today, donepezil and memantine, alone or combined with therapy, are widely used off-label for post-stroke aphasia and language disturbances associated with neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and primary progressive aphasia.


  • Revisiting the boundaries of different altered accents profiles

    2025-03 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Marcelo L. Berthier; Ignacio Moreno-Torres; Jo Verhoeven; Guadalupe Dávila
  • Turning the Spotlight to Cholinergic Pharmacotherapy of the Human Language System

    CNS Drugs
    2023-07 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Guadalupe Dávila; María José Torres-Prioris; Diana López-Barroso; Marcelo L. Berthier
  • Pharmacotherapy for post-stroke aphasia: what are the options?

    Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
    2023-07-24 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Marcelo L. Berthier; Guadalupe Dávila
  • Brain structural and functional correlates of the heterogenous progression of mixed transcortical aphasia

    Brain Structure and Function
    2023-05-31 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Diana López-Barroso; José Paredes-Pacheco; María José Torres-Prioris; Guadalupe Dávila; Marcelo L. Berthier
  • Controlling the past, owning the present, and future: cholinergic modulation decreases semantic perseverations in a person with post-stroke aphasia

    2022-11-02 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Marcelo L. Berthier; Daniel Santana-Moreno; Álvaro Beltrán-Corbellini; Juan C. Criado-Álamo; Lisa Edelkraut; Diana López-Barroso; Guadalupe Dávila; María José Torres-Prioris

Wei Jiang | Cognitive and neuropathology | Women Researcher Award

 Dr. Wei Jiang | Cognitive and neuropathology | Women Researcher Award

Medical University of South Carolina , United States

Her academic focus includes microbiome, B cell/autoantibody interactions, and disease pathogenesis, with particular emphasis on HIV, addictive drugs, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). She is involved in several clinical and translational research projects, including R01DA059854 (Jiang & Sheng), investigating the impacts of drug abuse on autoantibodies and immune reconstitution in HIV. She also works on CSRD Merit I01 CX002422, exploring B cell-mediated immunological failure in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy. Additionally, she contributes to NIDA-funded studies, such as R01DA055523, examining the oral microbiome’s effect on cognition in HIV-infected cannabis users, and R01DA059538, investigating HIV persistence in cocaine users. Furthermore, she collaborates on a Translational Science Award project exploring the oral microbiome’s impact on cognition in Alzheimer’s disease.





She earned her M.S. in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Case Western Reserve University, Medical School, Cleveland, USA, in 2012. Prior to that, she completed a Postdoctoral fellowship at Case Western Reserve University, Medical School, Cleveland, USA, in 2008. She holds an M.S. in Immunology from Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, which she completed in 2001. She also received her M.D. in Internal Medicine from Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, in 1997.


She has 8 years of clinical experience in infectious diseases and 22 years of translational research experience in disease immunopathogenesis. As a corresponding author, she has published 52 peer-reviewed articles on microbiome and disease immunopathogenesis in high-profile journals like Microbiome, Arthritis & Rheumatology, J Autoimmunity, and EbioMedicine, bringing her total number of peer-reviewed publications to 101. As a physician-scientist, she has served as Principal Investigator on five R01 grants from NIAID or NIDA, along with a VA clinical merit grant, focusing on microbiomes, drug abuse, autoimmunity, and HIV immunopathogenesis. Her research primarily focuses on two major areas. The first is understanding the role of B cell perturbation and autoantibodies in disease pathogenesis, particularly in HIV and SLE. In 2017, her team first determined that autoimmunity impacts antiretroviral therapy outcomes in HIV without inducing autoimmune disease. This concept was later corroborated in studies on COVID-19. Her team is currently developing monoclonal autoantibodies and inhibitors to prevent anti-CD4 autoantibody binding, aiming to improve CD4+ T cell recovery and reduce morbidity in HIV patients. The second area of focus is the role of microbiomes in disease pathogenesis, including HIV, SLE, and drug abuse. She has identified the impact of disease-associated pathobionts on immune perturbations and disease progression, with findings validated in animal models. Her microbiome research is supported by R01DA055523.


She currently serves on the Appointment, Promotion & Tenure (APT) committee in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina, a position she has held since 2024. She was promoted to Full Professor with tenure in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine at the same institution in 2023. She has been a Faculty Senator for the College of Medicine and a Research Health Scientist at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center since 2022. Additionally, she is a member of the Translational Science Laboratory IAC (2020-2022) and the MUSC College’s Curriculum Committee (2019-Present). She has held various positions at MUSC, including Associate Professor (2018-2022) and Assistant Professor (2012-2018) in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Hollings Cancer Center at MUSC and has served on the award committee for the Advancement, Recruitment, and Retention of Women in Science. Her academic career began as an Instructor (2008-2012) and Research Associate (2002-2008) at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, OH.


She received her Chinese Board of Internal Medicine certification in Infectious Diseases in July 1997 and was certified as an Attending Medical Doctor in Infectious Diseases in November 1999 (No: 10203C089758). In July 1997, she also earned a Teacher Qualification from the Educational Institute, National Educational Committee in China (No: 971100071069382). Her licensure is from Beijing, China.

She has received several awards throughout her career, including the Laboratory Travel Grant from the American Association of Immunologists (AAI) in 2019, the MUSC High Impact Research Publication Award in 2019, and multiple travel grants from AAI for various international immunology congresses. She was awarded the Early Career Faculty Travel Grant by AAI and ECI in 2018 and 2017, and received the Travel Award and HIV Section Chair recognition at the 2016 International Congress of Immunology. In 2015, she was honored with the MUSC Foundation Developing Scholar Award and an Early Career Faculty Travel Grant from AAI. Her earlier achievements include multiple Young Investigator Awards from the 13th and 15th Conferences on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (2006, 2008) and the Keystone Meeting on HIV Pathogenesis (2006, 2008). Additionally, she was recognized as an Outstanding Student Leader for five consecutive years during her medical school years from 1986 to 1991.


She has held several key professional roles and memberships throughout her career. Since 2024, she has been serving as a mentor for the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Future Leaders Mentorship Fellowship (FLMF) Program. She is a member of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology 2024 committee and has been a Treasurer Elect for the Association of Chinese Virologists in America from 2022 to 2024. She has been a member of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) since 2021 and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) since 2020. She has also been serving on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology since 2019 and is a member of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology. Additionally, she has been part of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) and the American College of Rheumatology since 2018. She has contributed as an award committee member for the Advancement, Recruitment, and Retention of Women in Science at the Medical University of South Carolina since 2017 and is an associate member of the Hollings Cancer Center at MUSC.

She is also an active member of the MUSC Oral Health Center, College of Dental Medicine, and the Medical University of South Carolina College of Graduate Studies. Her previous memberships include being part of the American Association of Immunologists from 2011 to 2021, the Center for AIDS Research from 2008 to 2012, and the AIDS Clinic Trial Group since 2008. Her certification in Chinese Board of Internal Medicine in Infectious Diseases dates back to 1997, along with her teacher qualification from the Educational Institute, National Educational Committee, China.


She is currently leading several impactful research projects. As the Principal Investigator (PI) on R01DA059854 (9/30/2024-5/31/2029), funded by NIDA with a total of $3,924,302, she is studying the impacts of drug abuse-mediated inflammatory perturbations on affinity maturation of anti-CD4 autoantibodies and poor immune reconstitution from ART in HIV. This project aims to understand the role of cocaine in autoimmunity and immune recovery in HIV patients. Her role in this project is as PI (25% effort).

She is also a multiPI on R01DA059538 (9/30/2023-7/31/2028), with a total of $1,724,585 from NIDA, investigating host gene isoforms contributing to HIV persistence in cocaine users. The study focuses on identifying gene isoforms associated with HIV infection in elite controllers and its implications for cocaine users. Her role is PI (25% effort).

In addition, she is the PI on I01CX002422 (3/1/2022-2/28/2026), funded by the VA Medical Center CSRD Merit with a total of $1,195,899. This project examines the mechanism of autoreactive B cell-mediated immunological failure in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy despite virologic suppression. She is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of anti-CD4 IgG-producing B cells and the pathologic effects of anti-CD4 autoantibodies. Her role is PI with 62.5% effort.

Additionally, she is involved as multiPI on R01DA055523 (9/30/2022-7/31/2027), with a total funding of $1,731,992, where she is working alongside Fitting to investigate the effects of microbiome-related mechanisms on H
