said Pournaghash-tehrani | Neuroscience | Best Faculty Award

Dr. said Pournaghash-tehrani | Neuroscience | Best Faculty Award



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Said Pournaghash-Tehrani earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology in 1993 from The American University in Washington, D.C., where he also completed his Master of Arts in Psychology in 1990. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Distributive Science from the same institution, which he obtained in 1986. Fluent in English and German, he also has familiarity with French. He can be reached via email at or by telephone at 011-98-09122074388.

Work experience
  • Said Pournaghash-Tehrani has extensive academic and research experience in psychology. He served as a Research Associate in 2001 at the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. In 2002, he took a sabbatical as a researcher at the Department of Psychology, Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, focusing on cross-cultural studies related to Iranian attitudes towards the West. Since 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Tehran University, having previously held the same position at Azzahra University in Tehran from 1996 to 2001. Additionally, he was a member of the Scientific Council on Energy and Economic Studies at the Institute for International and Political Studies (IPIS) from 1998 to 2000, where he also worked as a political researcher. His early academic career included serving as a Teaching and Research Assistant at The American University’s Department of Psychology from 1987 to 1990, where he contributed to courses such as Introduction to Psychology, Neuroscience Seminar, Psychopharmacology, Neuropsychology, Biological Basis of Behavior, and Learning and Behavior.


Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology, (2007); Samt Publications
-Drugs and Behavior, (2004); Samt Publications.
-Physiological Psychology, Tehran University Publication.
-Intimacy; Alzahra University Publication.
-Theories of Addiction, Alzahra University Publication.

Conference Presentations

Said Pournaghash-Tehrani has contributed extensively to neuroscience and psychology research, presenting his findings at prestigious conferences such as the Society for Neuroscience and the Eastern Psychological Association. His work has focused on drug discrimination learning, conditioned taste aversion, and the effects of opioids and their antagonists. In 1987, he co-authored studies assessing the discriminative stimulus properties of naloxone and the failure of cholecystokinin to counteract morphine sulfate’s effects. His later research explored the antagonism of morphine stimuli, the role of buprenorphine in opiate-naive and dependent animals, and the impact of RO15-4513 on ethanol-induced taste aversion. He has collaborated with notable researchers, including A.L. Riley, contributing to investigations on diazepam exposure and behavioral toxicology. His presentations in New Orleans, Washington, D.C., Boston, and other major research venues highlight his significant role in advancing psychopharmacology and behavioral neuroscience.


Crhistiane Andressa da Silva | Chronobiology and Memory | Neurocognitive Breakthrough Award

Dr. Crhistiane Andressa da Silva | Chronobiology and Memory | Neurocognitive Breakthrough Award


Estúdio Amanhecer, Brazil



She earned her Doctorate in Psychology from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil, in 2012, with a Sandwich Doctorate at the Universitat de Barcelona under the supervision of Antoni Díez-Noguera. Her doctoral research, titled SAGUIS (Callithrix jacchus) SOB CICLO CLARO-ESCURO DE 21 H: UM MODELO DE DESSINCRONIZAÇÃO FORÇADA EM PRIMATA DIURNO, was conducted under the guidance of John Fontenele Araujo, with Carolina Virgínia Macedo de Azevedo as a co-advisor. She received a scholarship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil.

She completed her Master’s in Pharmacology at UFRN in 2007, with a thesis titled EFEITOS DE VOCALIZAÇÕES DE CO-ESPECÍFICOS E DO ESCURO SOBRE O RITMO CIRCADIANO DA ATIVIDADE MOTORA EM SAGÜIS (Callithrix jacchus), under the supervision of Carolina Virgínia Macêdo de Azevedo. Her research was supported by a CAPES scholarship.

She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from UFRN in 2003, with a thesis titled Perfil Diário do Comportamento de Autocatação Durante Um Ciclo Ovariano em Díades de Saguis (Callithrix jacchus), under the supervision of Carolina Virgínia Macêdo de Azevedo. She received a scholarship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brazil.

Work experience

She worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) from 2014 to 2017 under a full-time and exclusive contract. She then continued her postdoctoral research at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) from 2017 to 2018 under the same work scheme.

In 2018, she served as a part-time Professor at Faculdade Escritor Osman da Costa Lins (FACOL), where she taught the course Práticas Integrativas Complementares em Saúde for the Physiotherapy program.

Since 2021, she has been the owner and full-time instructor at Estúdio Amanhecer, where she teaches yoga.

Areas of Expertise

She specializes in Public Health within the broader field of Health Sciences, as well as Physiology and General Biology within Biological Sciences. Her expertise also extends to Zoology, with a focus on Animal Behavior.

Scientific, Technological & Academic Production

She has contributed to bibliographic research and publications in her fields of study.


Her research has been cited in various academic databases:

  • Web of Science: 44 citations across 3 articles (as of June 2, 2024), with an H-index of 3.
  • Google Scholar: 26 citations across 9 articles (as of January 17, 2017).

The citation search included variations of her name: Silva, C.A.; da Silva, C.A.; CA da Silva; CA Silva; C da Silva, Crhistiane Andressa da Silva; Christiane Andressa da Silva; da Silva, Christiane Andressa; da Silva, Crhistiane Andressa

Awards & Recognitions

  • 2023 & 2024: TOP MASTER GOLD award by popular vote, recognized as a distinguished professional in her field in Rio Grande do Norte for her contributions to local development.
  • 2022: Named Best Yoga Teacher of 2022 in Natal and awarded Best of the Year in Natal.
  • 2017: Secured second place in the Banner category on the theme Chronobiology at the IX Symposium of Psychobiology.
